Hey there!

Welcome to my pride and joy, The Living Timber Co. I'm happy you're here!

I’m a 29-year-old healthcare-dropout-turned-woodworker with a soft spot for good design, high-quality craftsmanship, and making things that feel intentional. My journey into woodworking started as a side project while I was working in emergency medicine—a way to decompress from the chaos of long shifts. I’ve always had an eye for design (and a taste for expensive furniture), but as a broke college grad prepping for med school, dropping thousands on custom pieces wasn’t in the cards. What was in the cards? A store rebate and a curiosity to figure things out myself. I bought my first miter saw in 2017, and that was the beginning of it all.

Well, I technically spent a few years intermittently wrangling power tools before TLTC was actually born. I built my first headboard out of a detached garage, plugging in my saw by climbing up and yanking the cord out of the garage door outlet. It wasn’t glamorous, but it worked. Fast forward a few years and in August 2020, I got my first scroll saw. A few days later, I launched The Living Timber Co. Never in a million years did I think I would graduate nursing school to then leave healthcare altogether and pursue TLTC full-time only one year after learning what a scroll saw was. I now live in the suburbs of Chicago with more animals than one person should own, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Whether you're a customer, fellow woodworker, or just passing through, thank you for being here.

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Mount Prospect, Illinois USA