Hey there!
Welcome to my pride and joy, The Living Timber Co. I'm happy you're here!
I'm a 28-year-old healthcare-drop-out-turned-woodworker. Lots of hyphens, lots of truth. I started this business on the side while working in emergency medicine—although I handle high-stress well, I loved the idea of having an outlet to unwind after long shifts. Home aesthetic and design have always been great interests of mine, including having "expensive" and selective taste in furnishings. As a recent college grad preparing for medical school at the time, I didn't have the funds to purchase thousands of dollars worth of custom furniture. What I did have, however, was a store rebate and a curiosity to learn new things. I bought my first miter saw in 2017 and the rest was history.
Well, I technically spent a few years intermittently wrangling power tools before TLTC was actually born. After I got my first saw, I built a headboard using shockingly-straight pine from the store out of my detached apartment garage—I had to climb up and and unplug the garage door to use my saw, but it did the job. I eventually moved to a house, opted out of medical school, enrolled in nursing school, and built a few more pieces of furniture for myself in the meantime. My first scroll saw was delivered in August 2020 and I officially launched my business a few days later. Never in a million years did I think I would graduate nursing school to then leave healthcare altogether and pursue this full-time one year after learning what a scroll saw was. I now live in the suburbs of Chicago with more animals than one person should own, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Whether you're a customer, fellow woodworker, or just passing through, thank you for being here.